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Sports Scholarships

Did you know that we have a

We’re excited to help kids in grades K-8 get involved with activities in Polk County, Oregon! We are doing this by providing assistance for qualified students with sports fees and equipment. We also have a partnership with two local studios that offer discount vouchers for ballet and martial arts. Both of these are ways we are working to help keep kids healthy and active. 

Scholarship Eligibility Information


Scholarship Application


Arts Discount Vouchers

Did you know that we have a partnership with two local studios to offer discount vouchers for ballet and martial arts?


If you have a child who would benefit from a more individualized sport/art, are specifically interested in ballet or martial arts and you're unable to afford it on your own, please reach out to Dallas Ballet Academy of Dance or Parkside Defense directly. Please mention the Bambinos Discount Voucher. They will follow their normal process to enroll your child but will offer you a discounted tuition. They will give you a voucher for $75 and then ask you to bring it to our office so you can become our client. Once we get this voucher, we will cut a check directly to that studio to cover the balance owed. 

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